Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Only S/W engineers can do it!

This happened last night. My roomie's mobile had some problem with the speaker suddenly. She was unable to hear anything at all from the other end.

One other room-mate and I suggested a few things to change in the settings and services. It was a brand new mobile and we were all wondering as to what could go wrong in the mobile settings. After a few tries, we gave up and the carried on.

After a while she comes back and says, "the mobile is working fine". We asked here wat went wrong and how did she manage to get it right. She said almost instantaneously, "Its simple. I just switched it off and switched it on."

It reminded me of an old joke.

A Mechanical Engineer, Chemical Engineer and a Software Engineer happened to travel together in a car. Suddenly, the car stops.

The mechanical engineer almost an expert in trouble-shooting automobiles tries his hand on. He looks at every part in the engine and verifies if it was functioning properly. He finishes whatever trouble-shooting he could do and tried to start the car. Notheing happened. The car didnt start.

The Chemical engineer, an expert in fluid dynamics tried his expertise. His checked the fuel consistency and fuel injection and lubrication and many such things. Still nothing happened. The car didnt start.

Now, its the software engineer's turn. He maintains a cool temperament and gets of the car. He asks his fellowmen to also get off the car. He locks the car, and again unlocks it, opens the doors and gets in. He starts the engine, and now, the car starts!!

Even my roomie was applying the same concept.

Many a times in life, even the same logic could work out the best. When you find yourself landed up in a problem, all you have to do is to come out of it. Shut down the problem. and then re-start it, you will definitely be able to solve it!!!


Shiv said...

Many a times in life, even the same logic could work out the best. When you find yourself landed up in a problem, all you have to do is to come out of it. Shut down the problem. and then re-start it, you will definitely be able to solve it!!!

My God...Excellent one!!

Dilip said...

Thats really true. That happened for me too in some situations.But thats not only for SE's its for all.

MK said...

the last few verses are really good.....(athia unakku kooda phil ellam elutha theriyuma ...?).though the title is totally out of scope for the blog's theme..according to me

Unknown said...

Hey thats great Athia,
"When you find yourself landed up in a problem, all you have to do is to come out of it. Shut down the problem. and then re-start it, you will definitely be able to solve it!!!" - I never knew that u can also teach philosophy to some one.

Everyone must follow this,I even experienced the similar situation in my life, but never thought of writing it down for people.

I appreciate the effort u took to give such a valuable thought.

Unknown said...

Hey Athia,
Thats Really Great. I never knew that u can even teach philosophy to people.

I appreciate the effor u took to give theis valuable thoughts. I even personally faced situation similar to this many times, but never understood this simple philosphy.

Everyone must follow this.

Deena said...

This makes me to remember the quote by
Jeff Scholnik
"Who cares how it works, just as long as it gives the right answer? "
but things are always not the same.....
Good one athia